Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well here we are at the end of 2009...What a year it has been! The first few months of the year were nothing to thrilling... Wedding planning was in full swing..March I had my bridal shower and from there time went so fast that before I knew it BAM it was June 7th and I was marrying my best friend and soul mate. Our wedding was everything I dreamed of and couldn't have asked for a better day.

From there we went on our was simple amazing, we went on a 8 day Caribbean cruise! I loved it and cant wait to go on another cruise ASAP! We moved out of our 1 bedroom apartment and into a 3 bedroom and from there we made our plans to TTC and stop the birth control pill....WELL 2 weeks after stopping the pill we got pregnant! I was so shocked it happened so soon but we couldn't be happier.....So on Aug 19th I took a pregnancy test and BFP! Who would have thought that less then 2 months after getting married we would be having a baby!

Then the countdown till we found out what little bean sprout was began...Sept came, my bday passed, Oct came Franks bday pasted....The beginning of November we went for a u/s and we got a 85% that its a girl!! 2 weeks later a 95% girl and then when I was 20 weeks along 100% girl! We couldn't be happier we both wanted a little girl and our dreams were coming true! Samantha Grace is on her way ...making her debut April 2010! So now as the new year is dawning on us, I cant wait for it to get here and we can meet our little princess!!

Here I am at 23 weeks and the weekly survey!

**How far along? 23 Weeks

**Total weight gain/loss:Not sure have not weighed myself... Dr. Appointment 1/6
**How Big is Baby?: A large Mango
**Maternity clothes? Yes

**Stretch marks? none yet

**Sleep: not getting enough at all

**Best moment this week: New Years!
**Movement: like crazy!!

**Food cravings: Still OJ, icee and Cereal

**Gender:My sweet baby girl!

**Labor Signs: Thank God no

**Belly Button in or out? out

**What I am looking forward to: V-Day next week and our 24 week appointment

**Weekly Wisdom: Tums are your friend

**Milestones: She is starting to look how she is going to look when she is born!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

22 weeks! Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Here is my 22 week survey and belly shot!

**How far along? 22 Weeks
**Total weight gain/loss:Not sure have not weighed myself...

**How Big is Baby?: A Papaya

**Maternity clothes? yup
**Stretch marks? not yet....a few on my breast but none on the tummy
**Sleep: not getting enough
**Best moment this week: the all the time movement!

**Movement: like crazy!!
**Food cravings: Still OJ
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: Nope Thank God
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: New Years!
**Weekly Wisdom: Sleep now!
**Milestones: Her bones are stonger now!!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Dear Samantha,

Mommy love you so much already, I was looking through all the clothes your aunt and grandma already bought for you and let me tell you your going to be one fashionista little lady! I cant wait to dress you up and show you off to the world... You daddy says no more clothes but blah to him right hehe... I really hope you have a ton of hair since you have been causing mommy so much heartburn since the day we knew you were coming, plus all the little headbands and bows I have for you will be so cute with hair!

Your nursery is about half way there, grandpa painted it for you so you have nice new walls... we are working on the furniture right now. We have a comfy rocker all set up for you so we can rock you to sleep and mommy can nurse you. We all cant wait to meet you but stay in there till your good and ready to join us out here. Daddy hopes you have mommy cheeks so he can pinch them so beware, he is a sneaky one your dad.

I'm sorry if you got scared when mommy was at the hospital. But we wanted to make sure you were ok in there. You made everyone so happy to feel you moving around and your aunt and grandma were thrilled to feel you kick! Your gonna be a little tap dancer, with those strong kicks Missy I can tell.

We all love you so much and cant wait to meet you this spring!! oh and PS I hope your enjoying all the OJ you have been wanting these days!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

21 Weeks and my L&D visit

Well I ended up in L&D on Sunday, but not for the baby. She is perfect,kicking like crazy...ahh I love her so much! I woke up on Sunday morning with indescribable pain in my lower back...I went to the hospital, they think it was kidney stones, I was kept over night, The pain is gone but I don't think I passed the stone but only time will tell I guess. The good part of being in L&D is I got to see Samantha again and hear her heartbeat alot since they monitor you all the time.

Here I am at 21 weeks

**How far along? 21 Weeks

**Total weight gain/loss:Up 7lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A Banana
**Maternity clothes? yup

**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)

**Sleep: Cant get enough! but getting more uncomfortable

**Best moment this week: Knowing everything is fine with Sami even though I was in the hospital
**Movement: like crazy!! Total tap dancer

**Food cravings: Still OJ

**Gender:My sweet baby girl!

**Labor Signs: Nope Thank God

**Belly Button in or out? out

**What I am looking forward to: getting our shower list together

**Weekly Wisdom: drink tons of water!!

**Milestones: feeling alot more movement!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Chanukah!!

Well here I am at 20+ weeks, We have had a busy week! We went for our 20 week checkup and anatomy scan on Tuesday....she is still a girl! We got definite girl at both scans so go go team pink!!Everything looks great and right on track...she weighs 11 oz, I am up 7lbs so not too bad...

We are just so in love with our little girl, I never thought I would love someone so much as I do and I haven't even met her yet. She is kicking and moving like crazy it is the most amazing feeling in the world!

Girl clothes are too cute and I told Frank he needs to get a second job because everything is just adorable....

Tonight is the first night of Chaunkah, we will have dinner at my moms on Sunday for the holiday , but our menorah is up and ready to go....its great being half breeds you get the best of both worlds...

I leave you with the newest pic of Samantha! Here she is at 20 weeks!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

19 Weeks!

Wow I cant believe I am 19 weeks more week and this little girl is half baked!! We painted the nursery this weekend and all the furniture came in... Frank and my dad built on of the pieces....3 more to go ....everything is coming together so nicely... Next week I have our anatomy scan, cant wait to see our princess again!!

**How far along? 19 Weeks
**Total weight gain/loss:Still up 5lbs
**How Big is Baby?: A Mango

**Maternity clothes? yup
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: Cant get enough!
**Best moment this week: Feeling our little girl kick!!

**Movement: much more now, even feeling kicks
**Food cravings: OJ, Clementines, and knishes
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs:hopefully not for another 20 weeks
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to:Our anatomy scan next week
**Weekly Wisdom: don't let people get under your skin
**Milestones: she is moving like a little dancer in there!

Friday, November 20, 2009

17 weeks!

So we are 17+ weeks along on the baby train, and we couldn't be happier...our sweet baby girl is growing faster and stronger each day. I love going to the doctors to see her and hear her heartbeat...seeing her grow on the screen on the u/s makes me realize how close we are to holding her in our arms...All my life I wanted a daughter, a little girl and God gave me and Frank what we wanted, we are so blessed words cant describe it, or the feeling I have when my husband holds my belly and talks to her inside of me.

There is a quote from "Wicked" which totally describes our life right now " Because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true" I truly am enjoying every second of being pregnant, watching my belly grow, even with my ugly belly button is just amazing to know I'm carrying a person a little person in there. I never knew I could love someone so much and not even met them yet. Samantha, Mommy and Daddy love you so much already, you keep growing and getting stronger in there and we cant wait to bring in April with you here with us!!

Here I am at 17 weeks- don't mind my face I have no clue whats up with it...I guess what they say is true, girls do suck the beauty from you!

**How far along? 17 weeks 3 days

**Total weight gain/loss:Up 5lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A Onion
**Maternity clothes? yup

**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)

**Sleep: alittle better these days, but wanting more then what I'm getting

**Best moment this week: confirming that Samantha Grace is on the way

**Movement: just starting...cant wait for those kicks to start

**Food cravings: Still Knishes and OJ

**Gender:My sweet baby girl!

**Labor Signs:I hope not

**Belly Button in or out? out

**What I am looking forward to:THANKSGIVING

**Weekly Wisdom:get more sleep

**Milestones: the baby is forming sleeping patterns

Thursday, November 12, 2009

16 weeks!

**How far along? 16 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss:Up 4lbs
**How Big is Baby?: A Avocado
**Maternity clothes? yes, only my regualr sweats still fit
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: alittle better these days
**Best moment this week: starting to shop for the baby
**Movement: starting to feel what I think is the baby
**Food cravings: Knishes and OJ
**Gender: Girl....get confirmation on 11/18
**Labor Signs:I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: 11/18 find out for sure if we have a girl cookin
**Weekly Wisdom:eat, eat, eat
**Milestones: Baby can now hear us from the inside!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Big News!

So we went for a ultrasound on Saturday... Its a girl! We are over the moon, we wanted a little girl so badly! they tech said 85% but I knew girl from day one! We go back the the doctor on the 25th to confirm but man are we excited!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

14 week update

**How far along? 14 weeks!

**Total weight gain/loss:Up 3lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A Lemon

**Maternity clothes? pants and tops ...tops are not necessary but are comfy

**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)

**Sleep: ehh getting uncomfortable because I'm a tummy sleeper
**Best moment this week: seeing our baby again and making our big u/s appt.

**Movement: not yet, but I thought I felt a flutter we shall see

**Food cravings: sweets! and lemon Snapple

**Gender: still feeling girl

**Labor Signs:I hope not

**Belly Button in or out? out

**What I am looking forward to: BIG U/S on 11/25

**Weekly Wisdom: if you are tired sleep who cares if its 8pm!
**Milestones: 14weeks and the baby is growing like crazy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

14 weeks!

So today I am 14 weeks! The baby is the size of a lemon. I had a dr. appointment this morning and everything looks great, NT results were great and the baby is measuring ahead of schedule. We find out if this baby is Samantha or Jason on 11/25, the day before Thanksgiving...I cant wait. I want to go shopping SO bad for the baby.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

bye bye first tri!

So today is my first day in the second trimester! I am so excited...we went to get the NT scan done yesterday and it was amazing. Bean sprout looked like a baby, was kicking, jumping, moving, opening its hands and sucking its thumb! Frank and I were so happy words can not even express it! here is a pic from u/s

**How far along? 13 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: Still down 1 lb
**How Big is Baby?: A Peach
**Maternity clothes? Going to start very doon
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: okay but getting up to pee alot is annoying

**Best moment this week: seeing our baby look like a baby and moving around so much
**Movement: not yet, even though the baby is moving like crazy
**Food cravings: sweets!
**Gender: still feeling girl
**Labor Signs:I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: going to the Dr. again on Tuesday to see the baby again
**Weekly Wisdom: eat when your hungry and dont eat when your not
**Milestones: made it to the second trimester

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

11 weeks!

Here is my bump/bloat at 11 weeks! I cant wait to get bigger. Please excuse my horribly pale skin and lack of makeup!

I cant believe I am 11 weeks pregnant already! SO far everything is going great, no morning sickness just very tired...but its all worth it for the little bean sprout. Frank is starting to get more and more excited and the days go by. We bought a baby batman shirt from Target the other night since he is such a huge Batman fan, we will use it for boy of girl.

We also got a new car finally. After a year of not having a car its amazing to have that freedom again. We knew we needed one with the baby coming so we got a 2001 Santa Fe. I love it!

**How far along? 11 weeks!

**Total weight gain/loss: Still down 1 lb

**How Big is Baby?: A lime

**Maternity clothes? Bought some last week will be wearing them very soon

**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)

**Sleep: getting more uncomfortable, still getting up to pee alot

**Best moment this week: 11 weeks almost out of first tri!

**Movement: not yet, cant wait for it to start

**Food cravings: ummm nothing really just whatever anyone else is eating

**Gender: still feeling girl

**Labor Signs:I hope not

**Belly Button in or out? out

**What I am looking forward to: our NT scan on 10/20

**Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water!

**Milestones: Baby looks more like a baby now!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

8 Weeks!

Ok Im 8 weeks today! Time is going by fast! Everything is looking great and right on track, I got back on October 20th for our NT scan. Ill be 13 weeks then..crazy to think Ill be out of the first trimester at that time!

**How far along? 8 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: Down 1 lb
**How Big is Baby?: About the size of a kidney bean
**Maternity clothes? Slowly adding these in one piece at a time.
**Stretch marks? None yet
**Sleep: Going good so far, but I have to get up to pee at least once a night
**Best moment this week: HEARING THE HEARTBEAT!
**Movement: not yet
**Food cravings: Fruit, fruit and more fruit
**Gender: still feeling girl, HB wives tale says boy but we shall see
**Labor Signs:God I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: Getting my bump!
**Weekly Wisdom:Eat small frequent meals
**Milestones: Heard the heart beat, legs and arms are now growning!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Second U/S and heartbeat!

So we went for our second u/s this morning and it was AMAZING! We got to see our babys heatbeat (137bmp) just wonderful. I have been feeling fine, just very tired and drained but its all worth it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

6 weeks!

So here I am 6w0d...also known as in the 7th weeks of pregnancy...I used to love reading these surverys each week so Im going to do it too!

How far along? 6 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +1 far

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but soon my pants are getting tight because of this BLOAT!

Stretch Marks?: no

Sleep: Yes, but getting up at 3am each night to pee

Best moment this week: we are going to the doctor tomorrow for the first time!

Movement: Nope.

Food Cravings: Chex mix

Gender: im feeling girl, and everyone is saying girl

Labor Signs: No thank God!

Belly Button in or out? out because I have an outie

What I miss: nothing yet. I dont have many symptoms

What I am looking forward to: enjoying every moment of my pregnancy

Weekly Wisdom: dont forget to eat, you will end up lightheaded!

Milestones: 6 weeks!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

mmmm chex mix!!

So I sit here at work eating a bag of Chex Mix... I believe this is my first craving! I have eaten so much chex mix in the last week its hard to believe, unless your DH who has to go get me a bag on his way home from work! I love it, and cant get enough of it

So I'm trying to eat better with the baby on the way. I'm a junk food junkie and its not good for me or little bean sprout so I'm cutting back. My mom since finding out she is going to be a grandmother has become my food police! But I'm grateful because I know I don't eat well and not its just not about me anymore...

Our first OB appointment is on Tuesday and I can't wait! I want to see if we see the heartbeat and get to see our little sprout! GAHH so excited!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Starting to feel real!

So its been about a week since we found out that we are expecting! It feels real now, I cant wait to go to the Dr. next week to hopefully see the heartbeat of our little one. I know I will break down and cry if we do get to hear it. My family is so thrilled, my mom and I went to BRU over the weekend to price cribs! I wanted to buy the whole store, but I didnt. I just bought a few baby books. I got Frankie one and he has been reading it too....its so cute he calls me to tell me what he read and what the baby is doing now and how its developing!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


HOLY S***! Im pregnant. Testest yesterday and then again this morning. I am so excited, we never thought it would happen the first month off birth control. Im still in shock! Our first appointment is Sept 1st. cant wait! more too come!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cant believe its Aug 17th!

All I can say is wow, this summer is flying! Seems like yesterday it was my wedding day and the begining of summer, and now its almost my birthday. DH and I are enjoying our summer. We went to Hershey Park on Saturday which was awesome. Went on some crazy crazy rides! My aunt was so cute, she turns to my mom as we were waiting for my younger cousins to get off a kiddie ride as says" Hey maybe next year we will be pushing around a stroller!"

Our new apartment is almost in order finally. We have to paint the kitchen and unpack the last of the odds and ends boxes, but other then thats its now our home. Now just working on the baby part. Today is CD29. I go crazy with phantom signs. I have a cramp, I get a headache blah blah..... Its my first cycle off BCP so my body is just adjusting to being off I guess. I did buy a prenatal pill, which BTW are HUGE, a horse pill if I have ever seen it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fun weekend

So this weekend was great!

Saturday I spent the day with my mother in the city. We weren't sure what we were going to do but we went anyway. We tried to get tickets to see HAIR again, but we didn't make the lotto. SO we went to see " Julie& Julia" which was amazing! Really go see it if you get the chance. Sunday was DH and I 6 year anniversary together. I cant believe its been that long! I guess time does fly when you having fun.

Yesterday I had a small family reunion in Six Flags which was awesome. It was about 100 degrees about, but we still had a great time on all the ride and food! We are doing it all over again on Saturday as we are going to Hershey park! CANT WAIT...we love amusement parks!

Now on to my TTC journey... I went off the pill and we are not charting right now, kinda taking it as it comes. I have been tracking my CM. I tested on Sunday which is way early. I think it brought me back to reality and made me realize that not everyone gets pregnant right off the pill as my mother would like to think. So I think that AF should be here on the 17 if I am still on a 28 say cycle. Who know since I just went off the pill, so I stocked up on OPKs and HPTs just to be on the safe side

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Tuesday....NOT

Well we moved this weekend into our new apartment! Its really nice and big and we can grow into it, which is better then out of an apartment right? At first I broke down when moving out of our old place. It was the first apartment I had with my husband so I felt a loss, plus it took me so long to get used to that one! This one is MUCH bigger and I feel like we are not living there because there are so many empty rooms right now. But I guess I will get used to it like I did the other apartment, just will take time like everything else in life.

Outside my job this morning they were cleaning the side walk and I slipped and fell. Im wearing a skirt today and Im pretty sure all of downtown NYC saw my undies this morning! So today didnt get off to the greatest start, hopefully it will get better!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wedding pics!!

So after almost 8 long weeks of waiting, we finally got our pro-pics back! They are great I couldnt be happier with them. Here is the link if anyone is interested in checking them out.

Also now that I'mare off BCP I feel like we are being " Naughty" or something by not using protection. I cant wait too see what happens with my body and my cycle now that im off those evil little pills!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I caved!

Well I am finally making a blog, everyone else seems to have one so I figured hey why not.
So here is alittle about myself... I married my soulmate on June 7, 2009 and we are curretly trying to start a family. I went off BCP on July 19th and I'm NEVER looking back. I'mnot charting right now, we are just seeing what happens for the time being. Im a huge broadway freak and pretty much dont listen to anything else. We live in NYC so are always on the go. I work at a reinsurance law firm downtown and DH is a construction worker. So here goes hopefully I keep up with this thing!