Well here we are at the end of 2009...What a year it has been! The first few months of the year were nothing to thrilling... Wedding planning was in full swing..March I had my bridal shower and from there time went so fast that before I knew it BAM it was June 7th and I was marrying my best friend and soul mate. Our wedding was everything I dreamed of and couldn't have asked for a better day.
From there we went on our Honeymoon...it was simple amazing, we went on a 8 day Caribbean cruise! I loved it and cant wait to go on another cruise ASAP! We moved out of our 1 bedroom apartment and into a 3 bedroom and from there we made our plans to TTC and stop the birth control pill....WELL 2 weeks after stopping the pill we got pregnant! I was so shocked it happened so soon but we couldn't be happier.....So on Aug 19th I took a pregnancy test and BFP! Who would have thought that less then 2 months after getting married we would be having a baby!
Then the countdown till we found out what little bean sprout was began...Sept came, my bday passed, Oct came Franks bday pasted....The beginning of November we went for a u/s and we got a 85% that its a girl!! 2 weeks later a 95% girl and then when I was 20 weeks along 100% girl! We couldn't be happier we both wanted a little girl and our dreams were coming true! Samantha Grace is on her way ...making her debut April 2010! So now as the new year is dawning on us, I cant wait for it to get here and we can meet our little princess!!
Here I am at 23 weeks and the weekly survey!

**How far along? 23 Weeks
**Total weight gain/loss:Not sure have not weighed myself... Dr. Appointment 1/6
**How Big is Baby?: A large Mango
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**How Big is Baby?: A large Mango
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Stretch marks? none yet
**Sleep: not getting enough at all
**Best moment this week: New Years!
**Movement: like crazy!!
**Movement: like crazy!!
**Food cravings: Still OJ, icee and Cereal
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: Thank God no
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: V-Day next week and our 24 week appointment
**Weekly Wisdom: Tums are your friend
**Milestones: She is starting to look how she is going to look when she is born!
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