I cant believe I am 11 weeks pregnant already! SO far everything is going great, no morning sickness just very tired...but its all worth it for the little bean sprout. Frank is starting to get more and more excited and the days go by. We bought a baby batman shirt from Target the other night since he is such a huge Batman fan, we will use it for boy of girl.
We also got a new car finally. After a year of not having a car its amazing to have that freedom again. We knew we needed one with the baby coming so we got a 2001 Santa Fe. I love it!
**How far along? 11 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss: Still down 1 lb
**How Big is Baby?: A lime
**Maternity clothes? Bought some last week will be wearing them very soon
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: getting more uncomfortable, still getting up to pee alot
**Best moment this week: 11 weeks almost out of first tri!
**Movement: not yet, cant wait for it to start
**Food cravings: ummm nothing really just whatever anyone else is eating
**Gender: still feeling girl
**Labor Signs:I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: our NT scan on 10/20
**Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water!
**Milestones: Baby looks more like a baby now!!
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