Well this has been a eventful weeks for me. I have a wicked cold on top of morning sickness. Making for a very tired and cranky pregnant mama! But we are chugging along....Here is my 9 week bump/bloat

- How far along? 9 weeks
- Total weight gain: no clue I haven't gotten on the scale
- Maternity clothes? some pants, not shirts yet
- Stretch marks? None
- Sleep: horrible, Frankie is also sick so he is snoring! keeping me up on top of being sick and having a stuffed up nose
- Best moment this week: just loving being pregnant with #2
Miss Anything? sleep
- Movement: not yet!
- Food cravings: Red meat and Doritos
- Food aversions: nothing just let, I just don't really have an appetite for anything
- Gender: Thinking Boy this time around
- Labor Signs: Nope.
- Symptoms:Gas, my boobs are huge and sore, and I am nauseous after I eat
- Belly Button in or out? Out since I have an outie
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Dr Visit in one week!
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