Monday, August 22, 2011

My little love

I always knew from the time I could remember that I wanted to be a mommy. I had no other dream as to what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to get married young and have my babies young. When I found out I was pregnant it was the happiest day of my life...I also always wanted a little girl little Samantha, her name was set from the time I was 10 years old (lucky for me Frankie loved that name too). When we found out our baby was a girl I was over the moon...but I never imagined the loved I would have for her. I have been blessed to be able to stay home with my daughter since she was born. I have seen every smile,laugh, milestone, and word....I was able to nurse her for a year, which was just an amazing experience knowing she was living off the milk I produced for her.

Samantha is now 16 months old. She is a loving,sweet,happy,smart little girl. I watch her mind work each day and the thing she does amazes me! When she looks at me and says "mama" my heart melts into a big puddle of goo. I NEVER thought I would feel what I do for her. She is my world. My reason for waking up each morning.

Being a mom has made me a stronger women, I look at things different, I react different, my goals are different.

Also I never would have thought my parenting style would be what it is...I am more of a crunchy mom then I every thought I would be...I breastfed for a year, made my own baby food, babywear, and if I had my own washer/dryer at home....I would be cloth diapering as well. I no longer look at these things as weird or "hippie" I see them as what is best for me and my family.

I have an AMAZING and supportive family who I could not live without. Samantha is so blessed to have them too, she is the world to them!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Wow its been forever! Samantha has been keeping me busy busy busy ! She is almost 15 months walking all over ( since 13 months 1 week) talking more, just a bundle of personality! Will update more often I are her July 4th pro pics!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The end of nursing

On Saturday April 16th I nursed Samantha for the last time, it was bittersweet. I knew she was ready, she was not taking much from me at that point and I was just holding on for me and our routine. I am beyond happy and proud we made it to a year! Our breastfeeding experience was nothing but wonderful and I can not wait to nurse our second whenever that may come.

The transition to milk was not easy. For one I never pumped since I am home with her, so she never got milk from a bottle. Two breast milk is MUCH thinner then whole milk. So when she hit 11 months, I started to try to get her on milk....well it took a whole month but we did it. We had to use strawberry syrup to flavor her milk and I put less and less each day till we are finally at no flavoring! I am so proud of our little girl!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Samantha!

Today you are one year old my precious Samantha Grace! I can not believe how fast the time has gone, and yet I really don't remember life too much before you arrived! You are such an amazing baby! You light up my day each morning when I go to get you and each night when I lay you down to sleep for the day. You have developed SUCH a personality, you are so happy, fun, energetic, and just so lovable! We had your big party this past Sunday and it was a blast, mommy cried while singing happy birthday to you, because she just loves you so much and I am so proud of you!

At one year old you are

-Crawling so so fast
-Starting to stand on your own
-Talking like no ones business
-You want to climb on everything
- In size 3 diapers
-In 12 month clothes
-Eating all table food ( your favorite is pasta any way you can get it, and sweet potatoes)


Friday, April 1, 2011

Well Hello April....

Wow this year has flown by! In 13 short days my little baby girl will be a whole year old! I cant believe it....I'm still in denial that my little tiny baby is going to be a toddlers in less then 2 weeks! This time last year I was almost done with work, taking guesses on when Samantha would make her big debut and just enjoying every moment with her still inside my belly...

Samantha is just a perfect baby ( except in the car) she plays, problem solves, talks and just amazes me each and every day

This weekend we are going to get her 1yr pics taken! I cant wait to see how they turn out!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lets talk about weaning....

So my original goal for breastfeeding Samantha was 6 months, and I said I will see how I feel then. Well 6 months came and went and I would have never stopped at that point. Now we are at her one year mark in a few weeks and I'm starting the weaning process. I tried giving her milk every which way, hot,cold,bottle,sippy,whole milk,1%milk....she refused it! So I kept trying, we are still nursing so its not that big a deal, I just wanted her to get used to the milk when we did wean for good. Today was the first day she actually drank milk! So we are on the right path....but now that I think about it, and or nursing bonding is almost over it makes me sad

For almost a year, I nursed her, held her close and fed her...its was a connection only I had with her. I never really pumped any milk for others to feed her, since I was at home with her there was no need. It was my time, no one could do for her what I was doing. I was able to take her from a crowded area and spend some quiet time with her while she ate. I never thought I was going to take to it the way I did, but at almost a year I am so proud of Samantha and my boobies! We made it to a year, I gave my daughter the best start( in my opinion) with a year of mothers milk!

I know I will have that bond always as we go along this weaning process, but the more and more I think about it, I wont be that upset if its not at exactly one year....right now we are nursing in the morning and at night and Ill keep it that way till we BOTH are ready to stop

Saturday, March 19, 2011

All about Jill

I "borrowed" this from a blog I've recently been acquainted with, . How fun!

A. Age: 24

B. Bed size: Queen wish it was a king

C. Chore you dislike: cleaning the toilet

D. Dogs: Cute, but not for me, we are cat people

E. Essential start to your day: Putting in my contacts

F. Favorite color: pink and gray

G. Gold or silver:white gold

H. Height: 5' 4"

I. Instruments you play(ed): none

J. Job title: stay home mom and wife

K. Kids: Samantha Grace

L. Live: NYC

M. Mom’s name: Elaine

N. Nicknames: Beanie

O. Overnight hospital stays: kidney stones at 21 weeks pregnant and when I gave birth

P. Pet peeves: chewing loud and with your mouth open

Q. Quote from a movie: " what am I a clown? Am I here for your amusement?"

S. Siblings: 1 brother

T. Time you wake up: About 8am

U. Underwear: Um, yes? What is the question here?

V. Vegetables you don’t like: Squash

W. What makes you run late: last minute diaper changes

X. X-rays you’ve had:none

Y. Yummy food you make: shepherds pie

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Tigers!

Monday, March 7, 2011

A little about my Broadway baby...

So for all my readers out there that do not know, I am a Broadway freak, its what a listen to, its my hobby, and my first thing I remember falling in love with. My mom and family introduced me to showtunes when I was very young and from there its was a bond. When I found out I was having a girl, My first thought after the headbands and bows was " I can not wait to bring her to time square and introduce her to the great white way" to see my daughters eye light up at the marques of the Broadway theaters, to see her face when the curtain rises and the overture begins, to rush with her back to our seat from the bathroom during intermission, to sneak candy in from the corner store so we didn't have to pay the crazy prices for the candy during the show, everything I did with my mom and aunt for so many years ( and up till about a month before Samantha made her big debut)

I heard it my whole life, well maybe she won't like it, she will not be you, don't force your ways and likes on her.....

Since Samantha was a newborn I would have music playing, all types, pop, classic rock, show tunes, pretty much anything on my ipod. The only music she seems to care about was show tunes. As she got older she started to show more interest. Every night I sing " Castle on a Cloud" from Les Miserables and " The Music of the Night" from Phantom to her, its our quiet time. How do you ask I get her to quiet down...I put on Chicago and watch her shake her booty to " all that jazz" and " hot honey rag", Doesn't matter what what show I put on she listens, or dances depending on the song! ....You just cant fight genetics on that one. She is my little Broadway baby!

From the moment my Samantha Grace came into my life and the words from my all time favorite show "Les Miserables"...." To love another person is to see the face of God" touched me in a way I thought never possible, Seeing her after carrying her for almost 10 months was like seeing the face of God, the love I felt for her was so overwhelming it was like God had came down into that room and stood before me with this gift, my beautiful baby girl.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Love this!

Babies Don’t Keep

by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,

Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,

Hang out the washing, make up the bed,

Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?

She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,

Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due

Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew

And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo

But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo

Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?

Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!

I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Dear Samantha Grace,

Mommy can not believe you are 10 months old already. You are growing and learning new things everyday. You amaze me with each new thing you do and you make me so proud to be your mommy. You have started to say MA to me and I melt like butter on a frying pan when you do. You are a total mommy's girl and although sometimes you are a little too clingy, I love it. You love your mommy and to be around me. Whatever I am doing you want to be there and take it all in.

These days your all about being on the floor, crawling, moving,standing,dancing...your such a cutie when you bounce to the music! We bought you a ball pit and new tunnel for you to play in as you grow. We packed up the swing this week ( not that you liked it anyway!) but its just another milestone as you grow! You love your blanket (hmm who does that remind me of?) and love your crib.

You are a peanut! You weigh 18lbs and 8oz and about 29 inches long at your 10 month visit! This month you went to the aquarium and to a birthday party. You are starting to get a bit picky with food, mommy is hoping its just a faze that your going through, but you love love fruits! I cant believe I just sent out the invitations to your first birthday party!! I was just sending out your birth announcements!!

All day I watch you play and grow, but at night after your tubby when its dark and quiet, mommy rocks and nurses you off to sleep just like the day we brought you home and my heart swells with so much love that I cant even begin to describe. Samantha I am so blessed to have you as my daughter, you are the sunshine in my life and wouldn't change anything!

Love always and forever
Mommy (EH)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Samantha's first virus

So my little princess had her first virus and it was not pretty! It started last Thursday and I think we are coming to the end of it, Thank God! My poor little girl who likes her food, has been on the BRAT diet and she isn't too happy about that one!

In other Samantha news she is a full on crawler and cruiser! she loves to stand on anything she can get her hands on! She is babbling so much now she is trying to have a conversation with Frank and I.

Everyday is a new thing with her and I am so blessed to be able to stay home and witness every new milestone she reaches, and at this age that's about one a day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My little Valentine!

We took Samantha for some valentine pics, I am so amazed with them! here are a few of my little valentine!

Friday, January 28, 2011

New look!

What do you think? My friend over at "life with baby N" helped me out big time! She is so talented! She also made Samantha's birthday invites!!WOW I can't believe we are party planning already! Here are her invites

Saturday, January 22, 2011

headband giveaway!

One of my fellow mamas and headband lovers is hosting a giveaway ! check it out at

Love all the headbands!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My little eater...

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am a picky/bad eater. I never had that LOVE for food. My mom said I was the worst eater as a kid. So when it came time for Samantha to start on foods I thought "okay here we go"....But she LOVES her food! We started her on cereal and fruits/veggies at 4mths...she loved it all. I made most of her purees ( so much fun) At 6mth we added meats into the mix...she didn't LOVE them alone so we mixed with fruit and that went much better.

At 8mth old she started to refuse her purees( with the exception of oatmeal which she loves). So I though about starting her on table foods. Everyone thought I was nuts..."shes gonna choke, shes too little, stop rushing her" But here I was with my baby who was refusing purees, what you want me to not feed her! So I started the table food journey...

We have been at it for almost a month and I am so glad we started! She eats EVERYTHING, she is a wonderful eater...must get that from daddy =)