Friday, March 25, 2011

Lets talk about weaning....

So my original goal for breastfeeding Samantha was 6 months, and I said I will see how I feel then. Well 6 months came and went and I would have never stopped at that point. Now we are at her one year mark in a few weeks and I'm starting the weaning process. I tried giving her milk every which way, hot,cold,bottle,sippy,whole milk,1%milk....she refused it! So I kept trying, we are still nursing so its not that big a deal, I just wanted her to get used to the milk when we did wean for good. Today was the first day she actually drank milk! So we are on the right path....but now that I think about it, and or nursing bonding is almost over it makes me sad

For almost a year, I nursed her, held her close and fed her...its was a connection only I had with her. I never really pumped any milk for others to feed her, since I was at home with her there was no need. It was my time, no one could do for her what I was doing. I was able to take her from a crowded area and spend some quiet time with her while she ate. I never thought I was going to take to it the way I did, but at almost a year I am so proud of Samantha and my boobies! We made it to a year, I gave my daughter the best start( in my opinion) with a year of mothers milk!

I know I will have that bond always as we go along this weaning process, but the more and more I think about it, I wont be that upset if its not at exactly one year....right now we are nursing in the morning and at night and Ill keep it that way till we BOTH are ready to stop

1 comment:

  1. ((HUGS)) That bond you made is so special. You should be so proud of yourself for being able to go this long. A huge accomplishment!!! When you are both ready, you will know.
