Samantha is now 16 months old. She is a loving,sweet,happy,smart little girl. I watch her mind work each day and the thing she does amazes me! When she looks at me and says "mama" my heart melts into a big puddle of goo. I NEVER thought I would feel what I do for her. She is my world. My reason for waking up each morning.
Being a mom has made me a stronger women, I look at things different, I react different, my goals are different.
Also I never would have thought my parenting style would be what it is...I am more of a crunchy mom then I every thought I would be...I breastfed for a year, made my own baby food, babywear, and if I had my own washer/dryer at home....I would be cloth diapering as well. I no longer look at these things as weird or "hippie" I see them as what is best for me and my family.
I have an AMAZING and supportive family who I could not live without. Samantha is so blessed to have them too, she is the world to them!
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