Today you are one year old my precious Samantha Grace! I can not believe how fast the time has gone, and yet I really don't remember life too much before you arrived! You are such an amazing baby! You light up my day each morning when I go to get you and each night when I lay you down to sleep for the day. You have developed SUCH a personality, you are so happy, fun, energetic, and just so lovable! We had your big party this past Sunday and it was a blast, mommy cried while singing happy birthday to you, because she just loves you so much and I am so proud of you!
At one year old you are
-Crawling so so fast
-Starting to stand on your own
-Talking like no ones business
-You want to climb on everything
- In size 3 diapers
-In 12 month clothes
-Eating all table food ( your favorite is pasta any way you can get it, and sweet potatoes)
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