Monday, April 5, 2010

well here we are....

FULL TERM! I am 37 weeks today and what can I say... Frank and I can not wait to meet Samantha Grace our little princess who we prayed for! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow night as we shall see if I have any progress, I'm really hoping for something!

Dear Samantha,

Wow, I cant believe after almost 10 months in my belly I will get to hold you in less then 3 weeks (hopefully). This has truly been an amazing amazing journey and I would not trade it for the world! Your room is all set up, all your clothes are waiting, mommy and daddy are getting antsy. Friday is mommy's last day of work so after that please feel free to join us in the outside world. You have so many people who are waiting for you out here, you are so loved already!

Its bittersweet because I love feeling you move in my belly, jumping and rolling but yet I cant wait to hold you and hug you and just enjoy every moment we have together while your little because I know its going to go so fast! As we are at the end of our "internal" time together just know how much you are already loved baby and we cant wait to meet you. You daddy is calling me selfish telling me I'm holding on to you for too long already! He just wants to meet his little girl and spoil you!

So the time has come my sweet baby for you to enter our world, its not the best but its what we got and I'm sure you will love it! I hope and pray that when you do make your big debut it goes off without a hitch as all opening nights should. We love you and cant wait to see you our sweet little girl!

Love you,
Your mommy!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. =) Can't wait to hear the announcement that she's arrived!
