Friday, April 16, 2010

Samantha is here!

Hello ladies! Samantha is so amazing and we are so in love. BF is hard but we are trying to push through with it.. we have been topping her off with formula because my milk is not in yet, hopefully it doesn't take much longer, but today she is latching much better.

here is my birth story.... I went to the Dr. on Monday I was 2-3cm dilated and 80% effaced, she was 1130 at night I started "leaking" but wasn't sure what it was and I was having 15 min apart"cramps" I wasn't sure if they were contractions...I called Dr. said keep and eye on the leaking and go to sleep.. I woke up at 420am with 5-7 min apart contractions and some more leaking...called again he said come in due to the leaking to see if my water broke...Went into the hospital my water with rupture but not fully broken ... I was 3cm and 90%effaced... when I got in the room I was 4cm with strong contractions so they gave me my 12 I was still 4cm so they started pitocin to move me along....I was just relaxing,watching TV when he came in at 4pm to check me... "Oh you 9.5 we are pushing in 15 min" I was shocked and after 20 min of pushing our little princess was here!

She weighed 6lbs 10 oz and 19 3/4 inches, she is amazing.... She sleeps alot but we wont jinx it for now, we are just so in love with her! here are some pics

Friday, April 9, 2010

down to the wire...

well today was supposed to be my last day of work...but on Tuesday when I went to the doctor I was pretty swollen and uncomfortable. I made it my last day of work and have been enjoying life at home since. The house is now been taken over by Samantha's stuff and now we just wait. The doctor did an internal and I'm not dilated, but her head is VERY low and my cervix is very soft and thin, it can be any day now. Frank and I are so so anxious we want to meet Sammie already. Poor Frank is not sleeping well he is nervous, so he has been keeping me up all night so my best sleep is when he leaves for work. Its lonely home all day but I sleep till like 10-11 and he is home at 3 so its not so bad. Thank goodness for " A Baby Story"

**How far along? 37weeks 3 days! Only 3 more weeks to go
**Total weight gain/loss: up 30 pounds...not bad I think
**How Big is Baby?: about the size of a watermelon!

**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Stretch marks? still no ....
**Sleep: sucks sucks sucks and just getting worse when your hubby is snoring and tossing all night
**Best moment this week: last day of work
**Movement: like crazy..she is running out of room
**Food cravings: Still Cereal
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: no, but getting alot more BH that are more painful and she is VERY LOW!
**Belly Button in or out? out but kinda flat
**What I am looking forward to: holding our little girl!
**Weekly Wisdom: enjoy the time with your hubby now!
**Milestones:Full term!

Monday, April 5, 2010

well here we are....

FULL TERM! I am 37 weeks today and what can I say... Frank and I can not wait to meet Samantha Grace our little princess who we prayed for! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow night as we shall see if I have any progress, I'm really hoping for something!

Dear Samantha,

Wow, I cant believe after almost 10 months in my belly I will get to hold you in less then 3 weeks (hopefully). This has truly been an amazing amazing journey and I would not trade it for the world! Your room is all set up, all your clothes are waiting, mommy and daddy are getting antsy. Friday is mommy's last day of work so after that please feel free to join us in the outside world. You have so many people who are waiting for you out here, you are so loved already!

Its bittersweet because I love feeling you move in my belly, jumping and rolling but yet I cant wait to hold you and hug you and just enjoy every moment we have together while your little because I know its going to go so fast! As we are at the end of our "internal" time together just know how much you are already loved baby and we cant wait to meet you. You daddy is calling me selfish telling me I'm holding on to you for too long already! He just wants to meet his little girl and spoil you!

So the time has come my sweet baby for you to enter our world, its not the best but its what we got and I'm sure you will love it! I hope and pray that when you do make your big debut it goes off without a hitch as all opening nights should. We love you and cant wait to see you our sweet little girl!

Love you,
Your mommy!