WOW its been a long time since I last posted! Life has been busy and with a almost two year old running around we are non stop on the go! So here is an update and I promise to keep my blog up now since I have the app on my Iphone!

Samantha is almost 2! She is just amazing. I have never met a kid that is just hilarious, she is very active and advanced physically. She can jump, climb up and down the stairs holding on to the rail, balance on one foot, and much more. He vocabulary is gr owning each day and she has the squeakiest voice just like her mama! She is a great eater and sleeper. She is climbing in and out of her crib so its time for a big girl bed :(
She also has a big announcement to make......


Frank and I wanted our kids 2.5-3 years apart so In December we tossed the birth control out and let whatever happens happens. By the end of January that beautiful "pregnant" showed up on the digital test! Our due date is 10/19/12 which is my aunts birthday!! I will start the pregnancy survey like I did with Samantha on Thursday when I turn 7 week!
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