I cant believe in 9 weeks I will be holding my little girl! I cant lie, I'm anxious and am tired of waiting but I know its best for her... The doctor said she will be petite, nothing to worry about but not a 9lb baby. Im feeling ok, tired but my back is better so that's a good thing... Her room is coming along, just waiting for my shower to see what else we need to buy for her.

**How far along? 31 weeks... 9 to go
**Total weight gain/loss: Up 23 pounds
**How Big is Baby?: 4 navel oranges
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Stretch marks? Still only on my butt..hoping it stays that way
**Sleep: getting up at least 3 times a night to pee and with killer heartburn
**Best moment this week:seeing her again at the Dr.
**Movement: shes moving and shaking like whoa
**Food cravings: Still Cereal, fruit and peanut chews
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: None thank God
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: Ill be 8mths on Monday
**Weekly Wisdom: Tums are your best friend
**Milestones: almost 8 mths!!