Wow baby girl, I can not believe you are closer to 1 year then a newborn. You light up my whole life and you are learning and growing each day its amazing.You are now 18lbs and 27 inches! You are so close to crawling its going to happen any day now. You are going from sitting to a crawling position and back again. You love your Sophie, she is a life saver. You are sleeping all night and wake up just so happy and with a smile that could make the darkest days turn bright. You are loving your solid foods, I really am lucky that you love your foods (except avocado and yogurt)
Some days I just look at you and tears come to my eyes, you are my world. I love watching you with daddy, your smile and laugh are amazing. I love when I nurse you at night you hold my hand and look at me with such love that I melt inside each and every night. I started singing some quiet show tunes to you at night and they really relax you (what can I say you are my daughter) you really seem to like "Castle on a Cloud" from Les Miserable.
You are my answered prayer and I cant wait to watch you grown each and everyday! I love you my little princess

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