Thursday, October 21, 2010
Things I don't want to forget Thursday
I don't want to forget how big my little girls smile is when I got to get her out of her crib in the morning . She looks up at my like "Hey mommy you back" I love that look...a fresh new day, no matter how fussy she was the night before, or how many time she woke up in the of the night. Its a new fresh day to watch her grow and learn.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
6 month stats and ear piercing
Today Samantha had her 6 month doctor visit. She is 17 lbs 6 oz and is 26 3/4 inches ...She is doing great and we got to go ahead to start on more foods. We might start on some yogurt this week. She also had her ears pierced today...she was not a fan of the doctor touching her ears...she cried for a it but she came home napped and woke up my happy baby....
Here she is with her new bling....
Here she is with her new bling....

Friday, October 15, 2010
E-Friends and Breastfeeding
When I was planning our wedding, I found a website called "The Knot". I was on this site everyday for a year while getting ready for the biggest day of my life...About 3 months before the big day, Frank and I started talking about having a baby and what our plan of action would be. There is a sister website to the know called "The Bump" for all things baby. So I decided to hang around there for a while. I got to know a bunch of the ladies on there. After our wedding I was on the bump more and more, and just 2 months after our wedding we found out we were going to be parents!
As a young wife and young soon to be mom, my friends really didn't get me. Why does this 22 year old want to be tied down, why would she want a baby and give up her "freedom"? I never saw it like that. Since I was a young girl I wanted to get married young and have a baby young. So when I found this group of women on the bump I was overjoyed. A few weeks into my pregnancy we went to a small private site of about 75 of the girls who were closest on the bump.
Over the last year we have shared our lives with each other. We have been there through pregnancies, losses,births, loss of family and friends, marriages and divorces. I cant explain how much these ladies and their children are apart of my everyday life.
Now to the breastfeeding part...When I was working in the day care center I saw a lot of the moms bringing in breast milk and coming in to nurse their babies. To me it was a whole new world, no one in my family breastfed. It was not something they did or wanted any part of. Well I got interested and started researching all things breastfeeding. I told myself that when I was going to have a baby, I would try to nurse them. With no real experience from family or friends I was kind of going at this blindly.
WELL back to my E-Friends.... Who are pro-breastfeeding, they have been such a resource for me in my breastfeeding. In the hospital I could not get Samantha to latch, I was crushed....all my ideas and dreams to nurse my baby were slipping away, they were giving me formula telling me to give her that blah blah blah ( I'm not against formula, hey I was formula fed and a fed baby is a healthy baby, but breastfeeding was something I wanted to do for my daughter)
Here we are 6 months in and still nursing and I owe most of it to my E-Friends...whenever I needed a "your doing great keep it up" or "try this, it helped me" I was able to get it from them. I don't know if I would still be nursing without their help and support.
As a young wife and young soon to be mom, my friends really didn't get me. Why does this 22 year old want to be tied down, why would she want a baby and give up her "freedom"? I never saw it like that. Since I was a young girl I wanted to get married young and have a baby young. So when I found this group of women on the bump I was overjoyed. A few weeks into my pregnancy we went to a small private site of about 75 of the girls who were closest on the bump.
Over the last year we have shared our lives with each other. We have been there through pregnancies, losses,births, loss of family and friends, marriages and divorces. I cant explain how much these ladies and their children are apart of my everyday life.
Now to the breastfeeding part...When I was working in the day care center I saw a lot of the moms bringing in breast milk and coming in to nurse their babies. To me it was a whole new world, no one in my family breastfed. It was not something they did or wanted any part of. Well I got interested and started researching all things breastfeeding. I told myself that when I was going to have a baby, I would try to nurse them. With no real experience from family or friends I was kind of going at this blindly.
WELL back to my E-Friends.... Who are pro-breastfeeding, they have been such a resource for me in my breastfeeding. In the hospital I could not get Samantha to latch, I was crushed....all my ideas and dreams to nurse my baby were slipping away, they were giving me formula telling me to give her that blah blah blah ( I'm not against formula, hey I was formula fed and a fed baby is a healthy baby, but breastfeeding was something I wanted to do for my daughter)
Here we are 6 months in and still nursing and I owe most of it to my E-Friends...whenever I needed a "your doing great keep it up" or "try this, it helped me" I was able to get it from them. I don't know if I would still be nursing without their help and support.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Samantha is 6 months old!
Wow I can't believe my little girl is a half a year old already! Where has the time gone? When you are pregnant everyone tells you how fast it goes, and your like "yea, sure..." well it does. Six months ago we were struggling with breastfeeding, lack of sleep, swaddling and just trying to Samantha has such a little personality...she is a little chatterbox (just like her mommy was )
Dear Samantha Grace,
Words can and will never express how much I love you. You are my world, my sun and my stars.Everyday I get to see you grow and learn new things and I am so blessed to be able to stay home with you and see your just blossom each and every day. These past six month have been such a joy to share with you and I look forward to the next six! As each day goes by, you seem to be learning more and more. Here are some of the things you have been up to...
- You are now sitting up! once in a while you will tip over but its okay you are learning!
- You LOVE LOVE all your foods! Your favorite is sweet potatoes. Mommy is making all your food and she loves knowing you are getting the best nutrition you can get right now.
- Mommy love the way you smile and laugh at daddy when he gets home from work. you light up both our worlds with that "gummy" smile!
- You are now sleeping in your own crib! I think it was harder on mommy then on you to make the move, but you are doing great!
- Your moving like crazy! You are now rolling and "scooting" around...soon you will be on all fours ready to crawl all over!
- You have been to your first baseball game,first amusement park, and we even went apple/pumpkin picking!
Here are some pictures from the last month or so....

Dear Samantha Grace,
Words can and will never express how much I love you. You are my world, my sun and my stars.Everyday I get to see you grow and learn new things and I am so blessed to be able to stay home with you and see your just blossom each and every day. These past six month have been such a joy to share with you and I look forward to the next six! As each day goes by, you seem to be learning more and more. Here are some of the things you have been up to...
- You are now sitting up! once in a while you will tip over but its okay you are learning!
- You LOVE LOVE all your foods! Your favorite is sweet potatoes. Mommy is making all your food and she loves knowing you are getting the best nutrition you can get right now.
- Mommy love the way you smile and laugh at daddy when he gets home from work. you light up both our worlds with that "gummy" smile!
- You are now sleeping in your own crib! I think it was harder on mommy then on you to make the move, but you are doing great!
- Your moving like crazy! You are now rolling and "scooting" around...soon you will be on all fours ready to crawl all over!
- You have been to your first baseball game,first amusement park, and we even went apple/pumpkin picking!
Here are some pictures from the last month or so....

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