**How Big is Baby?: A large Mango
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Movement: like crazy!!
**How far along? 22 Weeks
**Total weight gain/loss:Not sure have not weighed myself...
**How Big is Baby?: A Papaya
**Maternity clothes? yup
**Stretch marks? not yet....a few on my breast but none on the tummy
**Sleep: not getting enough
**Best moment this week: the all the time movement!
**Movement: like crazy!!
**Food cravings: Still OJ
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: Nope Thank God
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: New Years!
**Weekly Wisdom: Sleep now!
**Milestones: Her bones are stonger now!!
**How far along? 19 Weeks
**Total weight gain/loss:Still up 5lbs
**How Big is Baby?: A Mango
**Maternity clothes? yup
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: Cant get enough!
**Best moment this week: Feeling our little girl kick!!
**Movement: much more now, even feeling kicks
**Food cravings: OJ, Clementines, and knishes
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs:hopefully not for another 20 weeks
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to:Our anatomy scan next week
**Weekly Wisdom: don't let people get under your skin
**Milestones: she is moving like a little dancer in there!