**How far along? 14 weeks!
**Total weight gain/loss:Up 3lbs
**How Big is Baby?: A Lemon
**Maternity clothes? pants and tops ...tops are not necessary but are comfy
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: ehh getting uncomfortable because I'm a tummy sleeper
**Best moment this week: seeing our baby again and making our big u/s appt.
**Movement: not yet, but I thought I felt a flutter we shall see
**Food cravings: sweets! and lemon Snapple
**Gender: still feeling girl
**Labor Signs:I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to: BIG U/S on 11/25
**Weekly Wisdom: if you are tired sleep who cares if its 8pm!
**Milestones: 14weeks and the baby is growing like crazy