Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My little eater...

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am a picky/bad eater. I never had that LOVE for food. My mom said I was the worst eater as a kid. So when it came time for Samantha to start on foods I thought "okay here we go"....But she LOVES her food! We started her on cereal and fruits/veggies at 4mths...she loved it all. I made most of her purees ( so much fun) At 6mth we added meats into the mix...she didn't LOVE them alone so we mixed with fruit and that went much better.

At 8mth old she started to refuse her purees( with the exception of oatmeal which she loves). So I though about starting her on table foods. Everyone thought I was nuts..."shes gonna choke, shes too little, stop rushing her" But here I was with my baby who was refusing purees, what you want me to not feed her! So I started the table food journey...

We have been at it for almost a month and I am so glad we started! She eats EVERYTHING, she is a wonderful eater...must get that from daddy =)

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