Ok so now the nerves are gonna set in... my little Sammie is due in 35 DAYS!!! I cant believe it, it really seems like yesterday that I got my BFP! I cant wait for her to be here. Her room is all done, I had my shower on Sunday and we got everything we need for her! Now we wait...I'm going to pack the bags over the weekend and put the car seat in the car so we are all ready!

**How far along? 35 weeks 2 days! Only 5 more weeks to go
Here are some pics from the shower...

**How far along? 35 weeks 2 days! Only 5 more weeks to go
**Total weight gain/loss: up 28 pounds...not bad I think
**How Big is Baby?: about the size of a watermelon!
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Maternity clothes? Yes
**Stretch marks? none still hopefully it stays that way
**Sleep: sucks sucks sucks and just getting worse
**Best moment this week: my shower!
**Movement: like crazy!!
**Food cravings: Still Cereal and Chinese sweet buns
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs: no, but getting alot more BH that are more painful
**Belly Button in or out? out but kinda flat
**What I am looking forward to: getting to full term and my last day of work
**Weekly Wisdom: enjoy the time with your hubby now!