So we are 17+ weeks along on the baby train, and we couldn't be happier...our sweet baby girl is growing faster and stronger each day. I love going to the doctors to see her and hear her heartbeat...seeing her grow on the screen on the u/s makes me realize how close we are to holding her in our arms...All my life I wanted a daughter, a little girl and God gave me and Frank what we wanted, we are so blessed words cant describe it, or the feeling I have when my husband holds my belly and talks to her inside of me.
There is a quote from "Wicked" which totally describes our life right now " Because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true" I truly am enjoying every second of being pregnant, watching my belly grow, even with my ugly belly button is just amazing to know I'm carrying a person a little person in there. I never knew I could love someone so much and not even met them yet. Samantha, Mommy and Daddy love you so much already, you keep growing and getting stronger in there and we cant wait to bring in April with you here with us!!
Here I am at 17 weeks- don't mind my face I have no clue whats up with it...I guess what they say is true, girls do suck the beauty from you!

**How far along? 17 weeks 3 days
**Total weight gain/loss:Up 5lbs
**How Big is Baby?: A Onion
**Maternity clothes? yup
**Maternity clothes? yup
**Stretch marks? None yet ( crosses fingers!)
**Sleep: alittle better these days, but wanting more then what I'm getting
**Best moment this week: confirming that Samantha Grace is on the way
**Movement: just starting...cant wait for those kicks to start
**Food cravings: Still Knishes and OJ
**Gender:My sweet baby girl!
**Labor Signs:I hope not
**Belly Button in or out? out
**What I am looking forward to:THANKSGIVING
**Weekly Wisdom:get more sleep
**Milestones: the baby is forming sleeping patterns